The tenants of Spruce Village gathered together in August to celebrate the completion of a new mural in their community room. A supportive housing development in Palatine with 44 rental apartments for people living with a disability, Spruce Village opened in the midst of the pandemic which temporarily delayed the project.
Allyssa, a tenant at Spruce Village, spoke during the event about what this project meant to her. “I feel like a part of me is going to live in this painting… ‘I painted this’ and you feel like you’re a part of something other than yourself.”
Guided by artist Colleen Koziara, the Mural Project Leader, the tenants collaborated on what they wanted to see in the mural and took part in painting. The mural shows a landscape that evolves from morning to evening, reflects the four seasons, and includes mountains, a waterfall, green meadows and forests.