On Sunday, October 29th, HODC celebrated its 40 years with friends at Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church in Deerfield. It was a chance to share updates on what is coming for our new development, Zion Woods, and other projects in the works. We also celebrated Reverend David Kyllo’s upcoming retirement and thanked him for his years of support.

Zion Woods will become a home for 25 households; families who work in the area but cannot afford to live in Deerfield, and people with disabilities who will be able to live independently near their support networks. This new development would not be possible without the vision and generosity of Reverend Kyllo and the congregation of the Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church who supported the project by donating their land on which Zion Woods will be built. 

HODC also thanks event sponsor Nicor Energy Efficiency Program

Thank You To Our Event Sponsor

The Special Moment of the Day