More than 100 people joined HODC on September 11, 2019, to celebrate the opening of Heart’s Place in Arlington Heights, Illinois. Heart’s Place is an 18 unit supportive housing apartment building for residents with disabilities. This new development was the product of a collaboration between HODC and UPholdings.

L-R: Alison Toffic, Senator Ann Gillespie, Trustee Mary Beth Canty, Representative Mark Walker, Hugh Brady, Richard Koenig, Mayor Thomas Hayes, Keith Pryor, Jessica Berzac, Tim Klont, Rachel Rhodes, and Jessica Hotaling. Photo by Martika Photography, LLC.
Special guest speakers spoke about the impact of Permanent Supportive Housing on the community and on people’s lives. These speakers included Village of Arlington Heights Mayor Thomas Hayes, Federal Home Loan Bank Vice President of Community Investment Tim Klont, and Illinois Housing Development Authority Senior Development Officer Keith Pryor. Attendees included Senator Ann Gillespie, Representative Mark Walker, Cook County Commissioner Scott Britton, Village of Arlington Heights Board Trustees, and others who toured the building’s one- and two-bedroom apartments, a shared community space, and landscaped back yard with a gazebo.